Are You A Defaulter or Are You Likely To Default Soon?
Reset By Neil Debt Collection is here to support businesses and individuals back to financial stability and a healthier future.
Implications Of Default
Default is a stressful process for any Person
When A Debtor Doesn't pay it's Loan the cases get forwarded to agencies like us to collect for them. However, not all agencies are like us.Agencies use any means necessary to get the money including Threats, Harassments at Home and Workplace, Property Attachment, Police Cases, Blocks on Exiting the Country and many more.It is a very unpleasant experience for any Defaulter! Reset By NDC Gives the power back to Debtor and prevents such situations to happen.
What Can We Do For You?
Helping You Take Control, One Payment At A Time
With NDC's 11 Years of Experience in collections for Domestic and International Banks, Telecom and Other Businesses, we have connections with Key Stakeholders across the world.Our tailored solutions provide the tools and support needed to regain control, restructure obligations, and secure long-term financial well-being.
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About Neil Debt Collection
Neil Debt Collection is a Family Owned Collection Agency With 20 Billion Rupees Bad Debts Portfolio
Neil Debt Collection was established in 2013 with the vision to decrease cash conversion cycles (CCC) for companies by improving their management of accounts receivables and bad debts.Through our intensive investment in human resources and individually focused process development for our clients, we have seen their businesses grow multifold while having greater confidence in their credit systems.Showcasing the strength and success of our client-centered approach, our portfolio flourished, growing from 100 million in 2018 to 1.1 billion Dirhams in 2024.